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A few questions, some answers

If your question doesn't match those in the list below, feel free to use the CONTACT form and ask


Who is Zefram?

​Who cares? However in "real life" Zefram is a physicist, mainly involved in advanced research on algorithms for global optimisation (University teacher, PhD supervisor, 52 peer-reviwed publications).  

Is Zefram a newbie?

​Oh, not really. Zefram was photographyally born on 1976, but on 1996 he died (as a photographer), but his images were still alive in him, so he came back to life on 2006.


Is Zefram a worldwide acclaimed photographer?

​He lives in the web. Out of the mainstream of the "shortcut" between Art Schools, Galleries, Art collectros. His choice is not to be involved in things as photographic competitions.



All this photoshop thing is boring: I prefer "real" photography
Well, you are in the right place. In Zefram's images there is a marginal amount of postprocessing. What you see has been there, where you see it and how you see it. This implies a significant planning and scenario setup work, as well as money and logistics. And friends, of course.​


But waht the hell do you mean with these images?

​Zefram is a conceptual photographer. In the "Conceptual photography" the image conveys a meaning, a mood, a concept, a feeling. This is not done by a direct representation of the concept in the image (e.g. an endless clean, smooth, snow landscape with a single tree in the middele to represent the "loneliness"). In the "conceptual photography" this is done by employing more or less cryptic symbols left to the free interpretation of the observer. ​ And this requires an effort on the observer's side, who becomes an active element in the artistic process.


Is it possible to buy prints?

​You are very welcome. Just look at the site menu: there is a "COLLECTORS" tab. Go there and you'll find details


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